Written on 2:28 PM by Sadeqin "Gunny"
Assalamualaikum to y'all aha :> oh~ pandai dah ye... ucap saya gay umm~ nanti kamu semua..siaplah kamu nanti!!! especially si Naqi!!! aha :> thanks qi for owning si Mua for me hahahaha! anyways guys me ok sekarang ni tapi ada rasa a little bit palau sikit....hooah!!! awesome awak semua pegi rumah k-ri ahahahaha ganasnya naqi!!! hahahahaha itulah sebab saya tak mau main sama dia takut kena owned pulak! jajajajaa and oh yeah guys LEFT 4 DEAD abg saya sedang download untuk kitorang main nanti!!! hahahahaahah good news tu and almost forgot esok jadi tak? if jadi fiq can you pick me up yo? ri..... saya di sana nampak banyak bitches yo (sorry ye tak becensored) hahahaha semua chinese community disana pakai seluar pendek nak mampos! hahahaah sexy gilo! hehehehehhee rambang mata dibuatnya hooah! anyways guys i can't actually tell you the whole experience that i've gone through there in Singapore it'll probably bored you to hell! hahahahaha all i know is that Singapore is undergoing some big makeover........the hotel that i was stayin' was in Joo chat road...the place's name is Gateway hotel hahaha next to it a PUB!!! shat!!! bising banar!!!! a lot of renevotion was doned there where the old bulidings were given a facelift.....KAYA BANOR!!!!! hey guys thanks for tellin' si shaf allright and what do you mean by you think so ri? umm~ anyways fella's my grandfather and grandma' ain't doin so well...... *sigh* it's only a matter of time before they go.....only Allah knows :( anyways guys that's all i guess i'll upload the movies and pic's that my bro took whilst we were there...i'm feelin high right now.... i'm gonna take a rest....i'm beat ahahahaha i'll be online tonight allright guys so if you have any inquires plz don't be shy to ask me (if you are shy then...well...let's say that a certain somebody would be taking a trip on the sungai kallang with me..WITH HOLES) holla' guys peace out HOOAH!!!!! ASSALAMUALAIKUM
Welcome Back Soldier !!!!
Good to see you !!!
Are you ready to be OWNED ??!!
Yo Sergeant, welcome back. I'm looking foward to see n OWNED!!! you hahaha
Your next in my list, ready to be OWNED by me???
Bnyk bini2 d sana kh WOW atu rezeki tu eh (tpi jgn batah meliat hahaha)
Hope ur Grandparents feel better AMIN
welcome back sadeqin!!! n waalaikumsalam..
ah qin nanti lawan cod4 eh let NAQI BE OWNED!!! sial eh andal ya ah si naqi ah....apa lagi qin kan balas dendam ni!!! hahaha
oh yeah qin...what about tomorrow? jadi about what?
qin...hope your grandparents be okay aite? amin.
cheers mate.
yo qin wazzzzaaaa... btw, waalaikumsalam..
Qin.. ada brg untuk kite ke.., kalau takde itu bermakna awak tak ingat kat kite orang??? hahaha..
ahhh.. kat sana tengok perempuan yeeee... naughty boy... hahaha..